Temok Web Hosting Testimonial

Testimonial: Temok Web Hosting Gets My Vote

I hadn’t had any issue with the provider I’ve been using, but I’ve been hearing the name Temok buzzing around my circle of marketing friends lately. Temok is a fairly new web hosting service that has been around since 2014.

Temok Web Hosting TestimonialI recently got a notification from my website hosting provider that I needed to renew my personal website’s domain. Controlling your own domain is essential – and I never want to deal with the nightmare of having my domain expire and losing it.

Now was the perfect time to consider other hosting and domain registrar options. True to my Millennial roots, I figured it couldn’t hurt to check out what could be one of the ‘latest and greatest’ in a space.

Why Temok Web Hosting?

Right away, I was amazed with Temok’s customer service. I was able to ask my questions and get quick answers via live chat. The rep I spoke to was knowledgeable and helpful.

I explained to him that I was no expert when it came to hosting a website or having a domain but I knew it was something that is very much needed and I was considering making the switch.

I started firing off some questions, which he was very helpful in answering. Patient, knowledgeable, and available are words I’d use to describe the rep. If you’re considering a web hosting company or domain registrar, read on.

  • Excellent & Accessible Customer Service
  • 78% of consumers have bailed on a transaction or not made an intended purchase because of a poor service experience.
  • 3 in 5 Americans would try a new brand or company for a better service experience.
  • 7 in 10 Americans are willing to spend more with companies they believe provide excellent customer service.

Source: Help Scout

I can relate to each of these statistics. I don’t care how badly I want a product or service, if the customer service is bad I’m out. I HAVE tried new companies for better service.

Temok’s service was impressive: quick, intelligent, available, helpful, and patient. I looked into a few other domain name registrars. Upon visiting their websites, I was instantly annoyed.

A bit of advice they can learn from Temok:

Offer live chat help – not everyone wants to pick up the phone to call or send an email and wait for a response.Click To Tweet

Make your live chat button easily visible and idiot proof. If I have to Google ‘insert domain name live chat help,’ I’m annoyed and am going some place else.

Don’t restrict customer service to ‘normal business hours.’ Many creatives in particular work into the wee hours of the night. Offering customer service 24/7 is appreciated.

I asked my live chat rep (and new buddy at this point after how much time I spent chatting with him) about their support hours. His response? “Temok never sleeps. We provide 24/7 service, 365 days a year.”

He did not end his response with that, but instead went into great detail, which I appreciated. “We provide service over live chat, support tickets (once you are registered with us).

If you have any problems, you can open a support ticket and we’ll guide you through your problem which will be taken care of). We also provide phone support: 1-718-414-6543.” Thank you, sir.

Easy to Navigate Website

I’m not a web designer, but as a digital marketer I’ve done a website mock up or two in my day and I know a thing or two about user experience. I’m also impatient and I move fast (blame in on my home state of New Jersey, my age, profession, or all of the above).

Right along the top navigation was everything I could possibly need on Temok’s website, including information on:

  • Domains
  • Servers
  • Hosting
  • Websites
  • Privacy
  • And a way to get help

In addition, the few times I’ve visited Temok’s website, I never had any loading issues. Here’s some food for thought.

  • 40% of people will abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load.
  • Only 55% of companies are currently conducting any online user experience testing.
  • The change in a website bounce rate increases by 10% when a page takes four seconds or more to load.

Source: HubSpot

Competitive Pricing

Temok Web Hosting’s customer service rep did tell me their pricing is better than their competitors. I managed to get some information on one of those competitors. I have to admit, their pricing is cheaper in some areas and higher (not by much) in others.

But it’s not an issue for me and at this point, their customer service has been beyond great, their website has been easy to navigate, and more; I’m impressed with Temok so I don’t mind spending the extra money.

When I asked them who their other competitors are, they would not say. (I was just trying to price check before making a purchase and give my research its due diligence.)

But they did offer me a discount on shared hosting plans which brought their pricing down to lower than the competition. I’m happy. All in all, based on what I’ve seen from Temok, I’d recommend them. Check them out at www.temok.com and see for yourself.

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