5 Video Marketing Tips For A Successful Campaign

5 Video Marketing Tips For A Successful Campaign

Video marketing is one of the best tools currently at the disposal of business owners. There are so many channels for your video to be seen on, that when done correctly, a video marketing campaign can not only drive more sales, but also increase brand awareness and give customers a better experience. To that end, here at 5 tips that will help your video marketing campaign be the best it can be.

5 Video Marketing Tips For A Successful Campaign

High Quality Videos

This may be the most important tip that we can give you – make sure that any videos you release are of a high quality. If you put a video out on the internet, and it is hard to hear what the speaker is saying, or if the video is too dark for example, then it is going to be hard to attract viewer’s attention. They are going to walk away with a poor impression of your company, and it is unlikely that this video will be shared with others.

Make sure you only release high quality videos ~ your videos reflect on your brand!Click To Tweet

To get high quality videos, you need to have the right equipment. If you only plan on doing one or two videos, you may want to consider hiring a company to produce your videos rather than buying all of the equipment yourself. However, if you plan on making many videos, getting the right equipment is a great investment.

Share Your Videos

Once you make your video, do not think that your job is done simply because you uploaded it to your website. You now have to share this video in as many ways as possible to get more people to see it. YouTube is the most popular site for this, but there are many others that you can and should use.

Secondly, you also want to use your social media accounts to send out links to these videos. The more exposure you can get, the better. You put a lot of work into making this video, so try and get as many people to see it as you can.

Provide Transcripts

While videos are certainly popular these days, some people still prefer to simply read about a subject. You don’t want to leave those people out, so consider providing a transcript of your video for them. You can either type this up yourself if you have the time, or you can also use SpeechPad, a company that uses human transcribers and does all of the work for you. You now have an additional piece of content that you can either add alongside the video, or share it separately.

Get more traffic to your videos by providing transcripts that get indexed; use a solution like SpeechpadClick To Tweet

Do More Than Advertise

When people think of video marketing, sometimes they only think about creating an advertisement. However, there are many other things that you can do with video that may be even more effective. For instance, you could create a How-To video that will instruct your viewers on how to do something related to your company. Or if someone in your company is going to be giving a talk somewhere, record it and upload the video.

Advertisements are good, but if you can inform your viewers and provide them with something of value, they are more likely to share this with their friends and family. In addition, if they like the information that you provide for them, it will reflect well on your company, and they may be more likely to work with you in the future.


Lastly, if your company is trying to reach a larger audience, try and get your videos translated. You can do this by either having someone record a voice-over translation and uploading a separate video, or translating your transcription and uploading that as well. The more languages your video is available in, the more demographics you will be able to reach.

Want to reach a larger audience? Translate your video transcripts into additional languages. Click To Tweet

With these 5 tips, you should be able to put together a strong video marketing campaign. Remember that you want to have quality over quantity, and that the more versions of it you can upload, the more people you will be able to reach.