The old fashioned cargo van was useful, but it was only useful in a certain way. It was really ugly to look at, but you still see them on the road from time to time, or down by the river. In reality, no one wants to have one of those old bulky vans, or to be associated with them, even if it’s just to transport stuff from one area to another. They’re just too ugly, bulky, creepy, etc.
The Ford Transit is completely changing the game when it comes to what a cargo or transit van can be. Available in different lengths, heights, and with different interiors, the Ford Transit is redefining what these vehicles can be and who can use them. Ford understands that today’s small business owners are all about individuality, versatility, and portability.
Small businesses today must focus more than ever on branding. That’s where the individuality comes in. Branding is what distinguishes one business from other, similar ones. Branding tends to live on the internet, but it also extends into the physical world, where things like vans matter to continue a small business’s brand message.
In their ad campaign for the new Transit, Ford profiles a number of small businesses, showing how their brand can be emblazoned across, and extended within, the Ford Transit. (Refresh the page to see more clips.)
Small businesses must also be versatile and portable, more so now than ever. Technology is creating situations which favor customers. And customers are expecting small businesses to be available at a moment’s notice.
Many small businesses are using the Ford Transit as a portable business, taking all of their equipment (and even customers, if you choose the passenger interior) wherever their business is conducted.
This keeps them busy, prepared, and looking great wherever they go, and it helps to extend businesses and draw in new customers. The Ford Transit is a cargo vehicle for the way small businesses work today.