How to Build Your Team as an Entrepreneur

So you developed a grand idea for the next hot startup and now you need to bring people on-board to help you make it a reality. How do you get started? Do you just post a job listing and start interviewing? That’s not exactly the best idea.

You’re better off taking a step back to understand what an entrepreneurial team needs to become successful. Keep reading to learn how to build your team as an entrepreneur.


Image Credit: FutUndBeidl from flickr

Arrange Your Hiring Decisions Based on Key Business Goals

Hiring an employee for a new business is not like bringing someone on board for a traditional company. Just because a person has a strong work ethic and a college degree doesn’t make them right for your company. You must arrange your hiring decisions based on the goals your business wants to achieve.

Every start-up wants to bring in money and get the word out to the public about the company. If this is your company’s goal, you need a fundraising and relationship-building specialist.

If your startup recently started accepting sales or received a round of funding you need a financial manager along with someone who has a master of taxation to handle your tax payments.

Bring on People You Can Cut Quickly if Needed

Forbes Magazine explains why you must weigh the benefits of every single hire. Is there a reason you need to bring on a full-time graphic designer when you could simply partner with a design firm? Are you better off contracting a marketing person as opposed to bringing someone on as a salaried employee?

When you begin a new company it’s essential to create an escape plan for when one of your employees doesn’t work out. It’s easier to get rid of a contractor than it is to fire a full-time staffer. It’s also less risky when you partner with another firm, since you don’t have to worry about training or making an employee mad if you don’t have enough work for them.

Office full of people using technology

Credit: Heisenberg Media from flickr

Think of Your Full-Time Hires as Entrepreneurs Like You

When you hire a person to join you in the full-time world of startups, their mindset must align with where you plan on going with your company. Compare the traits of each full-time hire with your own work ethic and mentality.

The Minority Business Development Agency states there are eight particular traits that make a successful entrepreneur. Use these traits to test your potential employees:

  • Do they have a willingness to fail?
  • Do any of the candidates have strong leadership abilities?
  • Is their competitive spirit stronger than yours?

The key to this exercise it to find people who have stronger entrepreneurial traits than you and surround yourself with those people who advance your business.

Treat Recruiting Like The People Are Coming Into Your Family

Focusing your hiring decisions on business goals and risk aversion is just fine, but at the end of the day your full-time employees are becoming part of your family. In fact, as an entrepreneur, you’ll see these people more than your real family. Develop a well-rounded team to generate a unique flow of ideas. Hire people you enjoy being around who will also make your company money.

Building an entrepreneurial team is much harder than it sounds, so take a step back to understand the intricacies of the small business and startup hiring process. It will serve you well in the future.


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