VigLink Launches New Publisher Roundtable Platform

Publisher Roundtable LogoJust last week, VigLink, a leader in commerce-based revenue, announced the launch of their new Publisher Roundtable platform, created in collaboration with Netpop, a leading market research firm.

The Publisher Roundtable is a free to use research platform that’s designed to help online content publishers collaborate in order to maximize their online marketing efforts.

Publisher Roundtable’s chief aim is to provide a vehicle for publishers to work together, share their experience, and learn from thousands of other publishers in order to better their own online strategies or sites.

The launch of VigLink’s Publisher Roundtable is taking a multistep approach, starting with a series of short online survey-style interviews focused on the ways in which individual publishers are building their audience.

The surveys will examine various channels that publishers use to expand their brand, including SEO, SEM, and social media, and will identify which channels are the most effective and why.

Whether you run a small personal blog or a multi-voice editorial site, VigLink’s Publisher roundtable can offer a great platform for anybody who is creating original content to better their site.

For those who participate in the preliminary surveys, you will gain access to exclusive data to help you make better informed decisions around your marketing, monetization, and content creation strategies.

To learn more or participate in Publisher Roundtable, be sure to visit for more information about the project, how it works, and answers to FAQs.

If you’re ready to join right now, you can go ahead and get started here.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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