Do you ever have problems finding quality writers for your blog? The ones who can write great content without breaking your bank account. When you find that combination, you have found the holy grail of freelance writers. That is why we want to discuss some great strategies for finding quality writers.
5 Strategies to Find Quality Writers for Your Blog
First, remember that you need to convey clear instructions to your writers.
Freelance writers work well only when clients are proactive in helping the freelancers create the best content. It is best to give them sample topics to discuss.
The clearer you are in what you need from a writer, and specifically what you need from your writers, the quicker you will find the right writer.
Second, ask for their portfolio before they start writing for you.
Any good writer worth their respective salt should be able to prove that they can write for you ahead of time. While most experienced writers get offended at the idea of writing a free sample article for you, they will provide you previous work that they have completed.
Just to clarify here: Do not ask an experienced writer to produce one article for you for free to make sure they have what it takes to write articles for you. That sets off warning bells, because they think you want them to work for free. If you need to see a good portfolio, check out these freelance writers portfolios.
However, asking them for work they have done with previous clients is definitely an acceptable practice. Even better if the articles they provide are for previous clients in your industry. Just be aware that can sometimes be a challenge depending upon your specific industry.
Personally, I have a number of links that I provide prospective clients to past articles that I have done for my own business, and for clients.
Final note on this topic: If you want a writer to do ghost writing for you, do not expect them to have a lengthy portfolio. The reason is simple. If they do ghost writing for you, then the obvious assumption is they do ghost writing for other clients and they have non-disclosure agreements with them in place. Therefore, if you want them not to disclose the fact that they wrote for you afterwards, make sure that you do not impose tedious requirements on them.
Third, ask your network for referrals.
One of the easiest ways to find quality writers for your blog is to ask your network. You will be shocked how many people in your network know someone who can help you with your content. They will pop up out of the woodwork like they always existed in your life. Again, always check with your network.
Fourth, use different writing services to help you find quality writers.
While your network is a great place to start your search, you might also consider looking into freelance boards online. Here are a few you might want to consider:
Content Runner – a newer option, this content writing service allows you to hire freelance writers on a per article basis. That way you can sample a number of different writers for your site. You can choose your favorites and go back to them as needed.
Elance – this is one of the oldest freelancing sites out there. Elance works on a per project basis. The site has a wide array of freelance professionals from around the world.
Odesk – this is similar to Elance. Odesk is an interesting site, because they have a great feature where you can actually pay freelancers by the hour. Using their software, you can then track their work.
Fifth, check out social media profiles.
You never know what skills you might discover on there. In addition, social media profiles on sites like LinkedIn and Google+ are more like resumes displaying peoples’ services and experience. This is a public resume database for you to peruse.
Finding the Right Writers for Your Blog
In the end, you will probably have to experiment with a few different options before you find the right writers for your blog.
Think of bloggers looking for writers as if it were dating. Most people do not find their prince charming on the first date. The same holds true with finding the right person for your needs. It takes time.
Use the strategies listed above to help you discover quality writer’s right for you. In the meantime, let me know below how your search for quality writers is going.