Students that participate in an internship get to work in a variety of settings and at the location of their choice. While underclassmen might expect some to be more popular than others, interest in different opportunities varies.
It’s hard to say which internships are the most popular because everyone has such varying interests. That said, there are many premier internships around the world in which most students can work to jumpstart their careers.
Credit Internships
A credit internship is typically done by students who are in their last year of college. The student is hired by a specific company to do research. The research assignment is designated by the company according to need; however some are allowed to choose their own research topic.
The benefit of this type of internship lies in actual experience. If done correctly the student will finish the internship with a viable research paper that they will be able to present to others in his field. Through this process, students gain experience, knowledge and valuable connections to those who may be able to offer them a job after graduation.
One downside of this type of internship is that students who are selected for an internship in Europe will need to be prepared for an unpaid internship. Many do choose to go this route though, for the dual benefit of gaining knowledge and also exposure to the international job market. The Department of Labor does have regulations in place for interns working under a non-pay status to ensure fair standards.
Work Experience Internships
The work experience internships often take place in the second or third year of schooling. Some choose to take two internships, hoping to gain more knowledge and experience this way. By this point in the college education a student has likely chosen a career path and is interested in taking a trial, working in the field, and with the knowledge they have gained.
Sometimes, the unintended benefit of a work experience internship is that the student may learn that the course of study they are in is not, indeed, a field they are cut out for or much interested in. This may be beneficial because at this point, it is possible to rethink your career options, recalculate interests and talents and perhaps choose an entirely different career path or maybe even consider looking for work abroad.
Another plus to this type of internship is that it offers a number of additional benefits. When compared to a non-intern summer job spent in manual labor, waiting tables, or selling a product for commissions, work experience internships build on knowledge over the summer. Students come back for the new school year with practical experience so they better understand how to apply what they are learning.
Virtual Internships
A fairly new type of internship is gaining popularity. This virtual internship allows a student to work remotely via internet connection and shared information and data computer systems. This benefits the student by saving them travel time and the expense of finding lodging in an unfamiliar place over the summer.
These interns are provided the opportunity to work at their own pace and communicate with the company via email, phone, or live video conferences. The ever-improving pace of technology has made this a possibility today, where it would have been an unbelievable idea in the past.
Any internship will have its pros and cons and is better than nothing – even if it’s only slightly related to your field of interest. Interns gain vital tools and experience for the future.