NEW Skysponder Builds Skype Lists for Marketing, Learning or Fun #skype

Skysponder Cloud LogoSkype expert Julie Wolf recently introduced me to the latest way to get the most out of Skype: Skysponder. Use it to build Skype lists by making it easy for others to subscribe to your Skype room.

Skysponder is a list building tool
for Skype you can use similar to
an autoresponder for email.

Here is a slightly edited version of what Julie shared with me – on Skype – what else?

Julie Wolf – Skype Coach: Now would be a good time to share a 2 part video I made (each 5 min) about an Idea I got excited about yesterday…. when you get to the level with your #Skype marketing where you become “The Hunted” on Skype… (#Tip – make a Skype Room or Skype People listing at my Skype Directory, so people can find you on Skype!) … anyway…

A New Way to Manage Skype Contact Requests
… have them choose a Skype List or Room to Subscribe to and Skysponder adds them to you as a contact ONLY AFTER they choose one of your Skype Topics, a common interest you have with them on Skype, that instantly defines why you are connected on Skype and how you can help each other … JV partner, follower of your interests and business offer, an eCourse on How to  learn something (Follow up on Skype),  the ideas are endless really.

When You become “The Hunted” On Skype…
don’t just accept every contact request in hopes of a Win Win connection…
and usually resulting in someone you have not gotten to know yet…
and a stranger on your list (or worse!)

(wait) Have them subscribe first!
Build Targeted Lists on Skype. (nod)

Here is a 2 part video on how that works…
Accept a Skype Contact Requst the Skysponder Way:

Part 1 (5min)

Part 2 (2 min)

You can get Julie’s Skysponder free trial at

Join Julie’s Skysponder Skype room to learn how to use the new Skysponder List Building and Skype Room Management Tool.  Use it to set up a join link. Choose moderators. You can set it to read only so it is easier to mod. Skysponders have a huge advantage over regular Skype chat because you can get subscribers and build a subscriber list. You can send broadcast messages privately or schedule broadcasts to go into the Skype room.  Schedule follow-ups privately. Schedule reminders to come to the room with a link. Set up message series.

Julie’s Skysponder Room is at

FAQ: How does a Skysponder created or imported Skype Room differ from a  regular Skype group chat room?

Skysponder sets up a Skype room join link, a welcome message, room guidelines, moderators, easily makes people (or the whole room) read only and its easier to moderate a Skype room.

One huge advantage to Skysponder Skype Lists is you get Skype Subscribers and can now build a targeted list on Skype, an opt-in list using permission Skyping methods which Julie will teach you in her Skysponder Skype Room.

More Skysponder Benefits for List Building On Skype

You can send broadcast messages instantly & privately to room members or send broadcast messages to go into the Skype room.  Schedule follow-ups privately to your Skype Rooms & Skype Lists. Schedule reminders to come to the room with a link. Set up a message series on the topic of the room.

More comprehensive answer in this audio: (You can’t hear the question I asked, but you can hear a more complete answer to the above question.)


You can make Skype Lists and Skype room lists either public or private. The ones you make public appear on your publisher’s page in their own directory. You can see Julie’s here:

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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