NEW Clear, Comprehensive Book: Performance Marketing for Professionals [Affiliate Marketing] #ecommerce

Performance Marketing for Professionals Book CoverMurray Newlands and John Rampton have just released what could be the best book ever on “Performance Marketing” – what most of my readers would probably think of as “Affiliate Marketing”.

The explanations of what affiliate marketing is, how affiliate networks work, and how changed the options are for promoting sales for merchants, advertisers, and manufacturers are the most clear and comprehensive I have ever seen.

You need to get this book. It is only 99 cents for the Kindle version and $4.99 for the paperback. TODAY Sep 25 and tomorrow Sep 26, 2013 the Kindle version is free, so why not grab a copy even RIGHT NOW even if you don’t have time to read it now?

Highlights of Performance Marketing for Professionals:

  • Chapter One is an overview of what affiliate marketing is – but if you think you already know you should read it because there are many new methods.
  • Chapter Two covers the all important sales funnel – a concept that many affiliate marketers fail to understand. This is a major reason most affiliates are not making good money.

Did you know that some merchants now reward
more than one point in the sales funnel?

Adam Riemer explains cross-channel attribution models. Adam explains:

“Attribution is one of the best indicators of a profitable program”

  • Chapter Three: choosing what to promote: What you know
  • Chapter Four: Registering with and getting approved by Affiliate Networks
  • Chapter Five: Link management = critical for your success. You need to use 3rd party tools so you can easily change links if one merchants drops their program.

Pro affiliates choose another merchant and plug their
affiliate link into content that already ranks!

This chapter includes understanding EPC calculations

  • Chapter Six: Email Marketing, List Development, Subject Lines, Why you should NOT use GoDaddy if you’re an affiliate, Split Testing, Legal requirements, Deliverability, What mobile means for email
  • Chapter Seven: Building Content Sites, Keyword research, Redirect traffic, content that sells, content marketing, PR, Press releases, link building, social signals, social proof, call to actions, disclosure requirements
  • Chapter Eight: Landing pages, landing page optimization, using phone numbers, thank you pages, testing
  • Chapter Nine: Competitive Intelligence,
  • Chapter Ten: PPC with Google and Bing, creating landing pages and ad copy
  • Chapter Eleven: Facebook Ads (very comprehensive)
  • Chapter Twelve: Other Media Buying, remarketing banners, YouTube’s promoted video ads for mobile, social traffic
  • Chapter Thirteen: WordPress SEO for beginners, testing, optimizing, goal pages, optimizer plugins, A/B split testing, multivariate testing,
  • Chapter Fourteen: Hosting: free versus paid, importance of choosing the right hosting company

As you can see, it covers just about everything you might want to know. It is worth vastly more to have this all in one place than they’re charging for it. Even if you aren’t actively doing performance marketing now, reading it will expand your understanding of how marketing online works.

Here are the links to get your copy:

Free today – only 99 cents later – so what are you waiting for? You can afford 99 cents, can’t you?

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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